Security training at ElixirConf EU 2018

Posted 2017-11-02 20:48:35.000000

I’ve got an exciting announcement to make: I’ll be doing a full-day training session on ‘Practical Security for Elixir/Phoenix’ at ElixirConf EU 2018 in Warsaw! The training takes place on April 18th, the day after the conference.

The blurb:

This course is a hands-on overview of security aspects around the Erlang/Elixir ecosystem, including (but not limited to) Phoenix web applications and APIs. Topics include: exploration of a deliberately vulnerable application, techniques and tools for security scanning, analysis of past vulnerabilities, and practical topics such as the correct use of security-related Plugs, TLS client/server configuration, use of Erlang’s crypto library, and Erlang distribution protocol.

Stay tuned for more details…
